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Taking advantage of the cinema's roof and its exceptional form, I could position one of the cinemas on top of the building. Beneath it may be the restaurant and the bar opening a view to the Public Hall.

The main entrance could remain at the same spot 

There could be a corridor from the Historic cinema to the modern extension serving as a link between the two edifices and accommodating a lift and a staircase 

The underground tunnel connecting Essoldo Cinema and Stretford Public Hall should be used in order to improve the pedestrian routes

Placement of the main entrance should be reconsidered


Spreading the project along the corner where the streets meet - this would improve the edifice's visibility

and access 


The cinema's corner position is beneficial but may be limited due to existing buildings








Situating stairs and a lift between the existing structure and the building proposal; visible "transition" from

the past (Essoldo Cinema) to the present (modern extension)

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