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Many viewpoints appear - Stretford Public Hall situated across the cinema is an amazing sight. Glazing the frontage of the building proposal is useful at this stage. 

For a greater experience a cafe situated on the first floor could consist of an outdoor space (terrace)


Preserving the link between the two main landscapes of Stretford and in doing so to prevent danger on the road for pedestrians.



Not only visual but a physical link to the Public Hall via the existing subway which incorporates

the two prominent building into the center's social core


Busy main road ahead the plot - danger for pedestrians 



 View towards Stretford Public Hall - a significant landmark of the town






Addition of an underground storey leading to the hall - in may accommodate a bookstore/ reading area/other shops; In order to offer a sightseeing to users and control view points, parts of the building's facade could be glazed and a terrace may be supplemented

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