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Magical Scotland

A week in charming Edinburgh and modern Glasgow, I managed to gain inspiration, view worldwide pieces of art and enhance my well being. Edinburgh caught my attention with the fascinating atmosphere within its fairy streets. The architecture's eye-catching features bring admiration not only in the citizens, but in visitors, who experience the real magic of the city.

1:1 Moment

Capturing personal inspiration

Provoked to draw a moment seen through my eyes and connected with our initial project idea, I decided to preserve this thoughtful film exhibition, named 'Vertigo Sea'. Vertigo literally means the sensation of feeling off balance.  The creative short movie, projected on the screen in complete darkness, made the audience experience it with all their senses, while stepping on sea stones. My drawing illustrates the unbreakable bond in architecture between past and present, incorporating a modern idea in a neo-classical gallery.


Please click below for full scale of the drawing  /1:5/

1:1 Moment
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