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Main aim for me is to design a place suitable for all ages within the community, which will gather generations and answer their needs. Creating a social environment is an initial trigger for my developing project proposal.

Essoldo Cinema is of great importance for the people of Stretford. Its territory works as a meeting point for two main roads (Chester Rd, Edge Lane) and with the help of the Public Hall forms the area’s social core.

Inspired by the cinema’s initial usage, I want to design a modern extension to the memorable building and, at the same time, to represent the bond between past and present /adults and children/.


Meet the family of Stretford



Stretford's community spirit is sensible from miles - once you start communicating with all of those lovely people, you feel  engaged with the local friendly atmosphere. Faces of the town are unique - there are the lively children, the mums with their thoughts of the future, the men who want to improve the quality of life and many others. While we were talking with the community members we found out that  no matter the age, character, or believes, people need to be part of this social union and have a place for entertainment


Essoldo Cinema

This prominent cinema and the Public Hall situated against it remain important heritage asset for Stretford Town Centre. Essoldo's distinctive facade and location at a gateway into the centre, as well as its glorious history make it  a key landmark building. While planing to bring back to life the edifice and its initial use, I aim to incorporate Stretford's past and the modern sense of architecture into one vibrant  hub which will accommodate social oriented facilities like  restaurant, bar, cinema, bookstore, etc.


"Virtual walk through"


Initial idea


Thinking about what an entertainment center should include led me to its division of two main parts: a social zone and a private zone. The social zone looking forward the main road (busy area) could  accommodate a cafe/restaurant/bar and benefit the evening economy. On the other hand,  the private space associated with the quiet area next to the canal could consist of a cinema, reading area or shops. The purpose of the project is to provide a vibrant, attractive and safe destination where people can  spend their leisure time and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Another aspect of the idea  refers to the reuse of historic buildings such as Essoldo Cinema and Stretford Public Hall. Providing a link between past and present will preserve the town's character throughout time.

Usage               Essoldo         Modern Extension 

                       Cinema         /new vision of the town'

                       /Stretford's     identity/








Ground Floor


First Floor


Second Floor











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