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Roof form


Essoldo cinema's exclusive roof structure has not changed through centuries and remains a real landmark for the community of Stretford. Its diagonal shape at the back not only creates an interesting  geometry but inspires me to think about the building proposal's design and how it can be changed. Another diagonal element would answer aesthetically the unpleasant difference in roof levels and benefit the overall performance 

Focusing on the design of the extension's roof in order to improve the environmental strategy is the next step of this creation process. Testing variations through models led me to the final choice of shape which takes advantage of the climate of the site


Testing light movement through the addition of  a paper pattern allows me to imagine how a metal perforated sheet, placed above the glazed part of the edifice would benefit the interior performance. Shading elements are needed, especially for the main circulation structure  due to its two - storey lenght glazed facade. An appealing light effect can be achieved.

Design Blitz 12




First floor

Link /staircase and lift/

Cinema /part of the extension/

Model options

Using a 3D and testing it through Sefaira displays the variety of roof designs and changes of glazing amount aiming to improve the final results 


Back terrace with solid walls

Option 1 - flat roof

Main part of the facade is made glazed, as well as the corner of the building. The flat roof option is tested along with the amount of windows which nearly meets the energy challenge of 71%. Most of the area remains underlit due to the underground storey. On the back facade a terrace with solid walls is added

Side solid wall

Front glazing

Terrace with operable windows

Underground glazing

Option 2 - geometric roof

The forward looking facade on the street level of Essoldo is made glazed and solid parts are added on the site - the result fits the energy use requirement but the underlit floor area increases apart from the creation of two full length glazed strips which allow sunlight to penetrate into the underground level

Additional terrace


Option 3 - butterfly roof

The last experiment displays a butterfly roof which is perfect for the collection and reuse of rainwater. It is inspired by the roof of the existing Essoldo Cinema with its unusual shape - the aesthetic quality remains. A second terrace is erected bringing view control to the main part of the site. The percentage of well lit floor area is higher in comparison with the previous two options

Rainwater harvesting can be used for irrigation and flushing and is is a valuable way of reducing the use of water supply through its natural equivalent. Suitable for rainy climates, rainwater
can be purified with additional devices such as filters. An appropriate material for this type of collection system is the metal

Central core and movement of the water

Ventilation - the double height of the main linking structure allows movement of outdoor area within the building.

The upper storey of the structure creates shading above the glazed curtain wall on ground level. The double height windows need a shading element

Testing geometrical patterns of the perforated metal panel was an interesting challenge. The first option consisting of curved lines incorporates the existing roof shape of Essoldo. Choice number two uses the iconic lettering of the cinema from the past with the building's main material shape - brick. The third panels applies one letter and changes its position. Option four is the most appropriate since it illustrates visually my project's ideas of bonding the past and present of the site and reminds users about the original edifice

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