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For the love of detail

Scale 1:20

1 Roof structure:

  Render waterproofing layer

  100 mm concrete finish

  Plastic mesh

  80 mm insulation board

  Vapour control layer

  514 mm curved steel roof truss

  Suspended ceiling

  Internal ceiling finish


Floor slab:

   20 mm timber planks

   19 mm plywood

   50/45 mm timber battens

   120 mm acoustic insulation

   Separating layer

   150 mm hollow rib deck with       concrete topping

   165/305 mm steel I–beam

   178/406 mm main cellular         beam – I-beam with openings       for services

   Suspended ceiling


300/300 mm Steel concrete       composite column

   165/305 universal steel column

   Concrete finish – fire protection     and stability

   Raft foundation system

   Joints – 178mm holding-down       bolts

   Hard core

2 Curved glazed wall (hot formed in a             workshop)

   100 mm curved stainless steel beam

   Tension cables of steel

   Glass panels – 2x6 mm lateral laminated       safety glass





4 Glazed curtain wall:

   Waterproofing membrane

   76/200 mm timber fixing block

  120/200 mm aluminum mullion

  2x6 mm double glazing with low e-coating    + 20 mm cavity

  Adjustable blind








6 Inner wall:

   Waterproof membrane

   Insulation board

   35/120 mm timber fixing block

   10 mm interior wall finish

   120 mm acoustic insulation

   120 mm steel stud

   94 mm fixing bolts



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